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Riverside Construction Accident Injury Claims Lawyers

Fighting for Workers’ Comp Benefits for Injured and Disabled Construction Workers in Southern California

Construction is the single most dangerous profession in terms of workplace injuries and fatalities. Of the more than 5,000 workers killed on the job every year nationwide, roughly one in five (20 percent) were in construction, even though construction workers make up only six percent of the U.S. labor force. Every year, 1.7 percent of construction workers suffer an injury serious enough to cause them to miss work, and the construction industry accounts for 8.5 percent of all injuries that lead to missed days at work. Construction workers put their bodies and their lives on the line every day in order to perform a vital service, and when they are hurt on the job, they deserve full and complete compensation for their injuries.

At Ochoa & Calderón, our zealous California construction accident injury attorneys have over two decades of experience helping injured workers get the medical care and benefits they are owed after an on-the-job injury. We fight for construction workers and other injured employees to get the benefits they are owed, regardless of the nature of the injury. If you were hurt on a construction site, we will fight for the workers’ comp benefits you are due.

Common Types of Construction Accidents

Construction sites are dangerous. There are loose wires, heavy machinery, hazardous chemicals, unsecured structures, and loose objects littered all over. Construction workers can suffer injury in any number of ways. A few types of construction accidents are more common than others, however.

At Ochoa & Calderón, we help construction workers who suffer injury in all manner of accidents. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the four leading causes of construction industry fatalities (dubbed the “Fatal Four), are the following:

  • Slips, trips, and falls, including falls from elevated heights, account for nearly 40% of all construction work fatalities.
  • Struck by Object. Falling, flying, or rolling objects, whether they are pieces of machinery, tools, or construction materials, injure thousands of construction workers every year. Even with a helmet, a falling object can cause serious injury, and around ten percent of all construction industry deaths are caused by falling objects.
  • Construction involves a lot of heavy machinery, and loose wires can pose a serious danger to unsuspecting workers. Around 9% of construction worker deaths every year are caused by electrocution.
  • Stuck In/Between. Construction sites are full of heavy objects and machinery, and workers getting caught in a piece of machinery or stuck in between two heavy objects accounts for roughly 8% of construction site deaths every year.

In addition to the Fatal Four, construction workers are commonly injured by fires and explosions, exposure to harmful chemicals, defective or ill-maintained equipment, malfunctioning vehicles or equipment, traffic accidents, and negligent conduct by third parties such as third party contractors.

Third-Party Liability Construction Accident Claims

If you are hurt on the job in California, you are guaranteed workers’ comp coverage for your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. Workers’ comp does not cover additional damages such as pain and suffering or emotional distress. Workers’ comp law prevents you from suing your employer in most cases after a workplace injury, but if your accident was caused by the negligence of a third party (meaning anyone outside your company), you could have an additional claim for damages.

Negligent third-party contractors, reckless drivers, defective equipment manufacturers, and other negligent third parties can be held liable for your injuries if their negligence contributed to your accident. Talk to a seasoned third-party liability attorney at Ochoa & Calderón to find out if you have additional options to maximize your recovery after a construction accident.

Our Riverside Construction Injury Lawyers Are Ready to Help You Recover the Benefits You Are Owed

For help getting benefits after a construction site injury or workplace illness, call Ochoa & Calderón to discuss your case with a seasoned and effective California workers’ comp lawyer. Call 951-901-4444 in Riverside or 844-401-0750 toll-free throughout Southern California.

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