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Riverside Work-Related Hypertension Claims Lawyers

We Get Injured California Workers the Benefits They Deserve

Workplace stress is no laughing matter. According to a study from the American Psychological Association, barely half of American workers report they are satisfied with their work-life practices. More than a third said that they typically feel stressed or tense during the workday, and as high as twenty percent put their stress level at an 8, 9, or 10 out of 10. Some jobs are more prone to stress than others, and (unnecessarily) negative working conditions are often cited as a reason for increased stress.

Heavy stress in the workplace can contribute to a worker developing hypertension, or high blood pressure. Hypertension, in turn, is linked to a number of debilitating and dangerous health conditions. If you are suffering from high blood pressure and related conditions because of the stressful nature of your job or workplace, you might be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Whether you need to start taking medication, you wind up hospitalized, or you need surgery and prosthetics, your workers’ comp insurance should provide coverage so long as your condition was caused by the job.

The dedicated California workers’ compensation attorneys at Ochoa & Calderón will help you prove that your high blood pressure and other conditions arose as a result of your work, and we’ll fight to get you the benefits you deserve.

California Workers’ Compensation and High Blood Pressure

If you work for an employer in California, you are guaranteed coverage through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ comp covers any illness or injury that is caused by the job–whether that means a physical injury, a mental health condition, or a bodily illness. In many cases, the workplace connection is obvious (such as a slip & fall at the office). In other cases, however, it can be difficult to show the workplace connection to the exclusion of other causal factors.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is covered by California workers’ compensation. Workers whose high blood pressure leads to a stroke, heart disease, or another injurious condition can recover workers’ comp benefits if they can show that the disability or condition arose as a result of workplace conditions. Many injured California workers have been able to collect workers’ comp by proving that stress in the workplace contributed to their hypertension, which in turn caused other medical issues.

Stress and Workplace Hypertension

The workers’ comp attorneys at Ochoa & Calderón help workers suffering from hypertension and related conditions as a result of workplace stress. Harmful work-related stress can result from a number of working conditions, including: strict deadlines; a lack of autonomy; long, punishing hours; low compensation; unrealistic job expectations; limited breaks; hostile work environment factors; and others.

The effects of hypertension can be long-term, debilitating, and dangerous. Hypertension can severely increase the likelihood of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, and other conditions. Connecting the workers’ high blood pressure to working conditions and any resulting heart disease or other conditions requires a detailed analysis of the numerous causal factors that have been shown to affect blood pressure.

Benefits Available for Workers With High Blood Pressure

If you are able to demonstrate that your high blood pressure or other heart condition was caused or exacerbated by your work, you have the right to seek workers’ compensation benefits. California workers’ comp provides many benefits to workers suffering from a work-related injury or illness. At Ochoa & Calderón, we’ll evaluate your case to find out how to maximize your available benefits, including the following:

  • Compensation for medical costs, including hospitalization, medical procedures, medication, and ambulance expenses
  • Payments for medical devices, including wheelchairs, pacemakers, and other prosthetics
  • Temporary disability benefits and lost wage replacement
  • Permanent disability benefits for severe cases
  • Travel costs for medical visits
  • Death benefits and other compensation for surviving dependents
  • Negotiated payment over time or lump sum benefits, depending on the circumstances

Our Riverside Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Are Here to Fight for the Coverage You Are Owed

For help getting benefits after an on-the-job injury or workplace illness, call Ochoa & Calderón to discuss your case with a knowledgeable and passionate California workers’ comp lawyer. Call 951-901-4444 in Riverside or 844-401-0750 toll-free throughout Southern California.

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